The CYBEX Arc Trainer has a unique combination of the elements of a climber, hiker, and skier to produce an unmatched number of workouts.
By varying the resistance and incline settings, the same area can be targeted & worked in different ways, to enhance muscle building and/or calorie burning to provide the user with the ideal figure.
The Arc Trainer is a load dependent machine which means, that the resistance is scaled to the user's weight. Imagine two honest Joe’s exercising, one who weighs 250 lbs (113kg) and the other 125 lbs (57kg). They both get the same workout when they enter the same program levels and their own weight, it’s the perfect workout! A machine which configures its settings specifically around you!
The Arc Trainer is designed using exercise science to burn more calories in less time. It does this by using the unique Arc motion which engages the muscle(s) not the joints. Therefore stress is removed from the joints which prevents long term injury & provides a safe and effective workout which delivers results.
Now I don’t know about you but I think that is incredible. I’ve worked in gyms...been a member to god knows how many, done sports qualifications etc... and I’ve never seen a product quite like this. This is the modern gym, the next step and I for one want to experience it firsthand.
• White
• Black
• Platinum Sparkle
• Metaltone Gold
• Black Chrome
• Also the CYBEX Arc Trainer also offers
• L71" x W28.5" x H62"
(L206 cm x W96 cm x H153 cm)
• Rear Entry Access
How Does The CYBEX Arc Trainer Burn More Calories, Compared To An Elliptical Machine?
What is a Calorie & how is it measured?
Energy expenditure is most often reflected in the number of calories that we burn during exercise.
A calorie is the amount of heat required to raise 1 gram of water 1 degree Centigrade. Therefore, the total caloric expenditure during exercise is really a measure of the amount of heat given off by the body during the activity. Measuring this directly is very complicated and impractical, involving a sealed air chamber and water bath. There are, however, indirect measures of caloric output.
The best indirect measure of caloric expenditure is the volume of oxygen consumed during exercise as there is a linear relationship between oxygen consumption and the calories expended during exercise. In fact, the body utilizes on average approximately 4.8 calories for each litre of oxygen that it consumes.
Indirect calorimetry involves the use of heart rate (HR) as there is a direct relationship between heart rate and the amount of oxygen consumed. This is due to the fact your body demands more oxygen during exercise, thus the heart rate increases.
Why is the Arc Trainer more efficient than the leading Elliptical Trainer?
An independent study revealed that the CYBEX ARC trainer is biomechanically more efficient than the leading elliptical trainer, and in fact, is better at activating the large muscles of the lower body. Where the ARC trainer was effective at involving the knee and hip muscles, the elliptical’s movement pattern concentrated the muscular effort at the knee, and could not effectively engage the large muscles of the hip. This difference in muscular activation has a significant effect on the metabolic demands of the two devices.
In a second study it was demonstrated that the level of perceived exertion (how tired the exerciser felt) and the heart rate response of subjects exercising on the ARC were significantly lower than those of subjects exercising at the same percentage of energy expenditure on a leading elliptical trainer. The difference in perceived effort and heart rate response is directly related to the biomechanical efficiency of the ARC.
Conclusion: Why the Arc Trainer is the Best!
In order to increase the heart rate on the CYBEX Arc Trainer up to the same level as the elliptical, subjects would have to increase their workload and oxygen consumption, thereby exercising at a higher level of caloric expenditure. Since most people adjust the workout intensity of cardio devices to their perception of effort or heart rate response, then it is most likely that they will be working at a greater intensity, thus consume more oxygen and burn more calories compared to the leading elliptical machine.